We currently have the privilege of listing 2308 congregations as of Sep. 14, 2024. We have been listing since July 1995.
If your congregation has a web site that is not listed, if you no longer have a web site, or your URL has changed, Click Here
Be sure to check your state’s listing for your web page. Only those listed within the last 60 days are in the new listings on this page. To view the congregations in your state, click the appropriate link at the right.
If you don’t find what you are looking for in our listings, try the following list of Church of Christ directories:

…. Mbeya Church of Christ, Mbeya, Tanzania

…. Chillicothe Church of Christ, Chillicothe, MO

…. Mexico Church of Christ, Mexico, MO

…. Delmarva Church of Christ, Salisbury, MD

…. Downtown Church of Christ, Cedar Hill, TX

…. Church of Christ, Stoughton, MA

…. Porter Church of Christ, Porter, OK

…. Plainview Church of Christ, Hazel Green, AL

…. 16th Ave. Church of Christ, Sterling, IL

…. Mansa Church of Christ, Mansa, Uganda

…. Eastside Church of Christ, Canandaigua, NY

…. Monroe Valley Church of Christ, Monroe, WA

…. Pocatello Church of Christ, Pocatello, ID

…. Central Church of Christ, Rochester, NY

…. Kingston Church of Christ, Kingston, MA

…. Van Dyke Church of Christ, Warren, MI

…. Willow Park Church of Christ, Willow Park, TX

…. Jerseyville church of Christ, Jerseyville, IL

…. Southgate Church of Christ, San Angelo, TX

…. Battle Mountain Church of Christ, Battle Mountain, NV

….Douglas County Church of Christ, Superior, WI

….West Valley Church of Christ, Goodyear, AZ

….Centerview Church of Christ, Elizabethton, TN

….Hamilton Church of Christ, Hamilton, MS

….Rockwood Church of Christ, Rockwood, TN

….Clarke County Church of Christ, Athens, GA

….Foothills Church of Christ, Yuma, AZ

….Naidupet Church of Christ, Naidupet Nellore Dt, Andhra Pradesh, India

….Tazewell County Church of Christ, Washington, IL

….Lampton Street Church of Christ, Mound Bayou, MS

….Hanover Church of Christ, Hanover, PA

….El Portal Church of Christ, El Sobrante, CA

….Empire City Church of Christ, Kennesaw, GA

….Restoration Fellowship Network, Charleston, SC

….Bear Branch Church of Christ, Spurlockville, WV

….Aledo Church of Christ, Aledo, TX

….Church of Christ Northwest, Reisterstown, MD